Meet Our Pastor

Pastor Ronaldo Bendanio

His Ministry
Started when he was in college. He was actively involved in bible studies in Saudi Arabia. 

There on, he became an elder and made himself available whenever called to serve God. At time's he is invites as a   seminar or training speaker for FIN and Haggai Institute. At present he is the senior church minister of New Hope     Ministries International. He has a heart that seeks after the Lord and desires to hear and obey His voice. 

Pastor Ronald is responsible for leading the church with a team of dedicated elders. His vision is to help build a diverse church united by the common desire for the love of Christ to be made known and experienced through the work of the Holy Spirit. He is committed to letting the Bible speak, seeking to demonstrate the relevance of God's word for today's church, society and living.

His Life
Pastor Ronald's true passion is impacting and touching people's lives through communicating the words of God. He 
accepted the Lord way back 1982 and since then has been involved in different ministries and works for the LORD. 
His life verse is "Galatians 2:20" I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. 
The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.

His Family
Pastor Ronald and his wife Ana have been blessed with three kids, Hannah, Nikko and Ron. Being entrusted to minister 
to others whom God has brought, is a great opportunity of service for him and his family. He loves his family and 
also his NHMI family as well.

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